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MySpeed by Enounce vs. Video Surgeon

Mac OSx 11– 15.X Video Surgeon 3 for Apple
Win 10 – Win 11 Video Surgeon 3 for Windows

MySpeed is a recently introduced software program that enables users to alter the playback speed of videos. MySpeed can both slow down and speed up videos. This video playback change is accomplished on line, while a video is playing in your browser, not offline from your computer, which is how Video Surgeon accomplish this. There are some advantages to both approaches. Some people would prefer to have videos they find on the WWW stored on their hard drive. Others may not. So there is no clear preference of one approach over the other. MySpeed's premier product also allows users to download videos and change the playback offline.

Another difference between the two product is that Myspeed seems to work only on FLASH or .flv videos; Video Surgeon works on all major video formats including .flv, .mp4, .avi, mpg, wmv, and mov. At present Video Surgeon's MAC version is under development; Enounce has a Myspeed Version for MAC on the market.

The Enounce website seems to focus on speeding up videos. Their main selling proposition seems to be that it will save people who view videos a lot of time by allowing them to speed up this playback of videos. Video Surgeon, on the other hand is more focused upon slowing videos down - though it will also speed them up - as a means to enable users to learn more from videos.

That is the extent of the direct, side-by-side comparisons that can be made. Video Surgeon has many other useful and signficant features not found in MySpeed. If ones use for the software is ONLY to speed up the playback, then these additional features might not be of interest. However, for many people the additional functionalities in Video Surgeon will be quite useful. Here is a brief overview.

  1. Autodetects URLs of videos and downloads them for you from Youtube and 1000's of other sites.
  2. Strips the audio from video
  3. Changes Pitch of the audio
  4. Allows the setting of beginning and ending loop points for repetitive playing
  5. Allows you to Zoom in.
  6. Rips video from DVD's
  7. Enables you to convert among common file formats
  8. Allows you to edit video by resizing it or cutting out unwanted portions
  9. Saves Projects for reuse at a later time

Their are some pricing variations between the two products but the top end price for MySpeed is $99. Video Surgeon normally retails for $97, but is often on sale for a retail price of around $80.

A demo or trial version of Video Surgeon is available by completing the form on this page. This is a fully functional working version with 4 hours of run time. This should be adequate time for you to take the product for a test drive and determine if it meets your needs.